本帖最后由 MrTea 于 2014-3-14 12:26 编辑
You are required to register your business with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) under the Companies Act 1965. You are only eligible to register limited company in Malaysia. The Companies Act 1965 governs all companies in Malaysia. The Act stipulates that a person must register a company with the SSM in order to engage in any business activity.
你需要依据1965公司法,在马来西亚公司委员会(CCM)完成您的注册手续。您在马来西亚只能注册有限公司。1965公司法负责管理在马来西亚的所有企业。法律规定公司的注册人需要在马来西亚公司委员会(SSM Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia,似乎与CCM相同)才可以参与商业活动。 It provides for three types of companies: · A company limited by shares where the personal liability of its members is limited to the par value of their shares and the number of shares taken or agreed to be taken by them · A company limited by guarantee where the members guarantee to meet liability up to an amount nominated in the Memorandum and Articles of Association in the event of the company being wound up · An unlimited company, where there is no limit to the members' liability. CCM提供三种类型的有限公司 股份有限责任公司,成员的个人责任被允许的股份目数所限制。 担保有限公司,如果公司开始活动,成员将根据公司章程保证达到一个固定投资数额。 无限公司,对成员的责任没有限制
The most common company structure in Malaysia is a company limited by shares. Such limited companies may be either private (Sendirian Berhad) or public (Berhad) companies. 在马来西亚最常见的公司结构为股份有限公司。这种有限责任公司可以是私营企业或者公众企业的一种。 · Private Company · 私营企业 A company having a share capital may be incorporated as a private company if its Memorandum and Articles of Association: 一个持有股份资本的公司如果这家公司的章程和纪要满足以下条件,可以组成一个私营企业: · Restricts the right to transfer its shares · 限制兑换股份的权利 · Limits the number of its members to 50, excluding employees in the employment of the company or its subsidiary and some former employees of the company or its subsidiary. · 公司人数限制在50以内,包含公司、子公司雇员;公司或者子公司的前雇员。 · Prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for its shares and debentures · 禁止有任何针对市场发行股份或者信用债卷的行为。 · Prohibits any invitation to the public to deposit money with the company. · 禁止有任何针对市场募集存款的行为。 · Public Company · 公众公司 A public company can be formed, or alternatively, a private company can be converted into a public company subject to Section 26 of the Companies Act 1965. Such a company can offer shares to the public provided: 在1965《公司法》第26条的约束下,可以成立公众公司,或者将一个私营企业转换成公众公司。这样一个公司能够向公众出售它的股份,建立一个公众公司需要满足以下条件: · It has registered a prospectus with the Securities Commission · 该公司需要在证券监察委员会注册一份《内容说明书(prospectus)》 · It has lodged a copy of the prospectus with the SSM on or before the date of its issue. · 在股份发行前或者正在发行时,该公司需要向马来西亚公司委员会提供一份《内容说明书(prospectus)》的复印件。 A public company can apply to have its shares quoted on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) subject to compliance with the requirements laid down by the exchange. Any subsequent issue of securities (e.g. issue by way of rights or bonus, or issue arising from an acquisition, etc.) requires the approval of the Securities Commission. 一个公众公司,在符合交易所要求的条件的情况下,能够向吉隆坡证券交易所(KLSE)咨询股价。之后任何的担保(由经利益分配或者分红获得;或者由得利获得的等)都需要被证券事务监察委员会(Securities Commission)审核。
资本要求 Minimum capital investment in terms of a company’s shareholders funds, which include paid up capital and reserves is at least RM 250,000, subject to existing Government policies, regulations and guidelines which are in force for the relevant sectors. 股东所提供资金的最低投资额为250000马币,包含已付资本和准备金。这些资金需要遵循现有的政府政策、条例、指引对于资本要求的相关内容。
公司登记流程 Anyone who wishes to register a local company has to submit the required registration documents and fees payable to the Commission. A company shall have: 任何想注册一个本地公司的人,都需要递交注册文件,并向马来西亚公司委员会交款。一个公司需要拥有: · At least two directors (the director and promoter can be the same person); and · 最少两名股东(股东和发起人可以为同一人);另外 · A company secretary who is a member of a professional body prescribed by the Minister or is licensed by the Commission. · 需要有一名部长指定的,或者马来西亚公司委员会授权的,是专业团体成员的公司秘书。 · Both the director and company secretary must have their principal or only place of residence within Malaysia. · 公司秘书和公司股东都需要在马来西亚拥有资本或者唯一住所。 · Before proposing a name for incorporation of a company, a name search has to be done to determine whether the name can be used to register the company. 在为公司起名之前,需要进行名称检索,来查证名字是否能够使用。 The procedures to register a local company is as follows: 本地公司注册流程如下: · Complete Form 13A. · 完成表格13A · Pay a RM30 fee for each name applied. The name reserved for three months from the date of approval. · 为每个申请的公司名字支付30马币,这些名字将会将会被预留3个月,直到审核通过。 · Within the three months, submit the documents below: · 在这三个月里,递交以下文件:
Memorandum and Articles of Association: 公司章程:
Original copy stamped at any stamp office with a RM 100.00 stamp in the Memorandum and another RM100 stamp in the Articles. 章程原件需要在任意印花税署加盖100马币的印花税,另外需要支付100马币税于条款内容。 · The first directors and secretaries are named in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. · 首位股东和公司秘书的名字需要在公司章程里被提及。